Holiday fun

Posted on Sun 25 December 2022 in Thought

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

I have this post under category thought, which in reality every post is technically under the category thought. Maybe I should give more thought into other categories :P.

Today was pretty eventful. To jump right in, it was a day of baking, drinking and eating all things delicious. Which is why I really love the holidays. You get to hunker down with loved ones and enjoy in the ritual of creating memories through shared experiences.

Also, we were able to discover how and why one of our live stock guardian dogs (LGD) have been escaping the last few days. Even though we have psychological barriers (premier1 electic fencing) which our LGD respects, layered with our 6ft permenant fencing, one thing was over looked. It wasnt the bottom or the top in which she was escaping, but it was through.

hole in fence

We were lucky this was identified early enough and temporailty patched (in 6 different places) with hardware wire cloth until we figure out a permenant solution. Holes through the fence can be annoying for several reasons:

  • Escaped LGDs
  • Escaped Livestock
  • Predator access (coyotes, foxes, bobcats and yes mountain lions)

Just to name a few. I have a few new potential ideas for long term that involves new training and some new infrastructure.

Stay tuned!