Leaving it and Roping Goats

Posted on Tue 17 January 2023 in LGD

The past extended weekend (MLK day) was full of fun with food and friends. A few items worth noting:

  • Our LGDs remembered a past command leave it, during a situation when needed. TLDR; we were walking in the pasture with friends who also has a little one amongst us by one of the brooks and the dogs full excitement rushed over to him. Before they pummled him with dog kisses and joy, I called out leave it and both girls walked away with no problems. It was a rush as I wasn't sure what would happen but its a reminder that every day partnership training is paying off with them. Of course followed by yes, good and some loving pets the girls went on with their day and left us to walk around the pasture under their supervision from a far of course

  • I also roped my first goat! Unfornately no one saw :( . But its okay, its not about a farming cowboy show, it was about giving attention to a slighly injured goat of ours. She had some how managed to get a small cut on her ear and it was suggested to put on some savve. Of course although our goats are friendly and docile, they arent the type to just let you have your way. I guess that small roping training I took last year paid off though. Woot!

Just wanted to write this entry down as it was fresh thought in my mind